This policy is only applicable to {Car-lights} products or services of {Foshan Zhiyou electronic Technology Co., LTD }. Last update: {2 October 2022}

This policy will help you understand the following:
I. How do we collect and use your user information
2. How to update this policy
3. Contact us

We understand the importance of user information to you, and will do our best to protect your user information safe and reliable. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and protecting your user information by adhering to the following principles: the principle of consistent rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of consent selection, the principle of least enough, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, the principle of openness and transparency, etc. At the same time, we promise that we will take corresponding security protection measures to protect your user information according to the mature security standards of the industry.

I. How do we collect and use your personal information
To obtain the user's IMEI sensitive information:
When you use our services, to protect you normally use our service, maintain the normal operation of our service, improve and optimize our service experience, and ensure the security of your account, we will after your consent to collect your personal information, such as device MAC address list, equipment serial number, IMEI, IMSI, software, android ID, This information is the basic information that must be collected to provide the service. We will collect your information through identifiers and the above related technologies to provide you with personalized user experience and ensure service security. Without your consent, we will not send IMEI, IMSI, device MAC address, software installation list, location, contact, call history, calendar, SMS, local phone number, pictures, audio and video and other personal information to third-party SDK and other products or services.

We will explain the types of your personal information we collect and its corresponding purposes one by one, so that you can understand the categories, reasons for use and methods of collection and sale of specific personal information we collect for a specific function.
(1) Description of device permission invocation
1) Bluetooth permission: Call your Bluetooth permission so that you can communicate with the device luminaire through the APP Bluetooth and realize the control of the APP luminaire.
2) Microphone permission: It is necessary to invoke the microphone permission, so that the APP can collect the volume of music played by the mobile phone and realize the music rhythm function of the lamp
3) Location permission: The location permission needs to be invoked to facilitate the use of Bluetooth function

The above information provided by you will continue to authorize us for the duration of your use of the Service. When you stop using the Push Service, we will stop using and delete the above information.

(3) please understand, we provide you with the functions and services are constantly updated and development, if a certain function or service is not in the foregoing statement and collected your information, we will have a page prompts, interactive process, such as web site announcement to tell you the content of the information collection, the scope and purpose, with the consent of you.

2. How to update this policy
Our privacy policy is subject to change. We will not diminish your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will post any changes to this policy on this page.
We also provide more prominent notice of major changes. Material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:
1. Significant changes have taken place in our service model. Such as the purpose of processing user information, the type of user information to be processed, and the way of using user information;
2. We have made significant changes in the ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as business adjustment, bankruptcy merger and acquisition caused by the change of owners, etc.;
3. The main object of user information sharing, transfer or public disclosure changes;
4. There is a significant change in your right to participate in user information processing and the way you exercise it;
5. When the department responsible for handling user information security, contact information and complaint channels change;
6. user information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.
We will also keep older versions of this policy on file for your review.

3. Contact Us:
If you have any other complaints or suggestions, please contact us. You can also send your questions to (email) or to the following address:
Address: No.201, No. 28, Gangmeisha Industrial Zone, Zhoucun, Lishui Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City (residence declaration)
Email address: